Friday, February 27, 2009


when are we going to see results?!?!!?

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forming a BeachHead in Manhattan

I am in NYC and trying to stablize the situation. As soon as I get some $$$$ I can take an expedition into NJ. Much easier and cheaper than from Boston, MA. Once I establish an outpost in NYC I can then mount a sustainable assault in Mercer County NJ. Lawyers from Choate basically told me all I have to do is appeal the certificate of debt. Sounds easy for a "Pro Se think I am a lawyer" such as myself. Choate did suggest I find a lawyer down in Trenton NJ. Mass lawyers with a MA bar cannot really represent me in NJ. And would they want to come to NJ. YUK!!!

So to that end . . . once I get some cash I will :

1. Visit Mercer County Court and get a copy of the certificate of debt. I am entitled

2. Try to find a lawyer that will help a down -n- out looser such as myself.

3. Make an inquiry that if I make any payments where will the monies go. To the imposed surcharge(principle) or to the interest and collection costs. And I want it in writing. Don't know if I am entitled to know but I will force the issue. Want to start working on the principle. Imposed Surcharges are impossible to overturn. Read case law supplied in this blog

4. Return to Manhattan to create a petition for appeal and eventual return to Mercer County Court to present petition and get a court date for the appeal.

I want to get done with this.

Death do us proud,