Friday, September 17, 2010

somebody posted to my blog!!!! Amazed!!!

This is what somebody wrote me:

NJ MVC is a privately owned franchised operating solely as a corporation for profit. A computer program sends you the correspondence that is sent to your place of residence. It's called the MATRIX. The surcharges is legalized extortion. Meaning the charges are not goods sold, services performed, money loaned, personal injury, taxes, or assessed damages. Its plain right out extortion. I would sue them in small claims court in where they cannot bring an attorney. Sue them for fraud and then tell them to bring the receipts and evidence of assessed damages. Send back all their correspondence stating " Accept for Value Return for discharge" UCC-1-207". I did and they never bothered me again.

I don't know. Something does not seem right here. Do you have a drivers from any of the US States? I don't believe you have a legal drivers license without having paid NJ Surcharge $principle$. I can see you getting out of the interest and penalties. Whats funny is they want money for the Amnesty program.

Someday I will go to nj/trenton with the $principle$(what I plead guilty too) of about $1200. All these fines/surcharges are backed by courtroom deals. They'll take the principle and stop at that. All I have to do is appear down in Trenton NJ from Boston MA and file a petition to be heard regarding this filing of the certificate of default. I was never served. Odd, being that I was in their jails from time to time all during the 90's. Opps, hear that, my interest penalty accruement just kicked in for the day, know I owe a little more.

I'll post the petition when I actually go there and file it. Even if it mean sleeping on the streets to get this done, I hate them so bad!!!!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

7/2010 Nothing

Surcharge principle still at $1066. Amnesty Program is ok if you want to pay $200 for the privilige . No way. I have too much time invested. Everyone got a bail out maybe even the school loan default people. I just want to pay the principle and sorry to say I cannot even do that. $1066 for the moment is beyond me. Don't even think about some great court crusade to ride oneself of this yoke.

Peace sells . . .