Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fighting NJ MVC Surcharges

The mission of this blog site is to post all that I am doing to get NJ MVC to waive the collection fees and daily interest that is accruing on my surcharge. The principle is $1020. But due to things outside of the motor vehicle ticket convictions such as collection costs and interest the surcharge cost is over $2400. I will not pay these added costs. This is not fair and I believe it to be an invisible tax. I screwed up driving and got these tickets(No DUI's). I paid the court and related costs and had my license suspended for having more than 6 points. Lost my job. Got arrested. Had to become a fugitive from justice for ten years and move to another state. In the process I could not pay these surcharges and NJ legislature saw people like us as an easy target.
I will pay the principle but not these obscene collection costs(in which so far they have collected nothing). I will document on this blogger what I am doing in the hope it helps somebody. Folks it isn't going to be easy. Trying to get out of the surcharge is impossible. Over time I am going to research each statute out of NJSA annotated and see what I can do. I went to NJ MVC Trenton on June 6/08 from Boston and asked for an appeal. They put up a stone wall and said no appeals allowed. I have legal help in Boston. This may or may not help in that NJ is not a commonwealth and the legal aid I have do not have NJ bars. But I have a former sitting BMC judge that is giving me pointers. Please stay tuned. I want to help you.

1 comment:

nobody said...

From time to time I will check out your site.