Wednesday, July 23, 2008

L.C. McGarrah v. NJ MVC

Today I am going to read a case called McGarrah v. NJ MVC. The person lost this case. I want an appeal. I looked at all my records and reconciled them against the judgements and surcharges. They over billed me $200. The principle for me is $1020 and I have no problems with paying that. It is the extra $1500 in collection costs and interest that I have a problem with. I want an appeal. Legal aid in Boston tells me in Massachusetts you can bring the registry to small claims court to appeal what they do(MA Registry). Aid told me to try the same thing in NJ or at least use the lowest court to file your appeal. He tells me to file the appeal at the lowest NJ court. You do not need a reason when filing it. Then I have to pay $50 to get it served. Maybe NJ MVC will send a lawyer to contest the appeal an maybe we can work a deal. Up until now NJ MVC will not talk. It is impossible getting any information out of them. That is why all future visits will be to the Trenton MVC location. If they give me problems I go to Mercer Counter Superior court and file a motion, petition, etc. Under the freedom of information act I am entitled to full disclosure of my file. They refuse to give it to me. I do not understand why NJ MVC acts in this fashion. Please keep in touch as I post more information as I learn it. My only goal is to help my fellow citizens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NJ MVC is a privately owned franchised operating solely as a corporation for profit. A computer program sends you the correspondence that is sent to your place of residence. It's called the MATRIX. The surcharges is legalized extortion. Meaning the charges are not goods sold, services performed, money loaned, personal injury, taxes, or assessed damages. Its plain right out extortion. I would sue them in small claims court in where they cannot bring an attorney. Sue them for fraud and then tell them to bring the receipts and evidence of assessed damages. Send back all their correspondence stating " Accept for Value Return for discharge" UCC-1-207". I did and they never bothered me again.